Yung Joc makes a stop at Boys And Girls Club

In the midst of his national ScreamFest '07 hip-hop tour, rapper Yung Joc — also known as Jasiel A. Robinson, 24, of College Park, Ga. — made a stop at the Rotary Southeast Boys and Girls Club in Gainesville Tuesday to offer a few motivating words to the students.

“Today, it was not a concert, just the kids and him, no bodyguards or anything,” said Britney Carter, the events specialist at the SE Boys and Girls Club.

Carter said Yung Joc played educational games with the kids — the prizes for which were $1 bills — and also sat down and just talked with them one on one. Carter said Yung Joc encouraged the students to pursue their dreams, telling them they didn’t have to be “another statistic” and could make something of themselves. He also encouraged them to look out for one another, Carter said.

This is the second year Yung Joc has made an appearance in Gainesville, and his visit was co-sponsored by the radio station Magic 101.3, according to Carter.

Carter said Yung Joc first came to Gainesville last year and sang his song “It’s Goin’ Down,” for the kids, though with the radio-approved lyrics that the kids already knew.

Carter said the Boys and Girls Club wasn’t worried about any profane lyrics affecting the kids last year because he omitted the curse words, and she said it wasn’t even an issue this year because he didn’t sing.

“They all liked it,” she said.

When reached by phone Tuesday evening, Yung Joc said he has been trying to visit as many Boys and Girls Clubs as he can during his tour, which kicked off on Aug. 3 and also includes the artists T.I., Ciara, T-Pain and Lloyd.

According to his page, Yung Joc was in Jacksonville on Tuesday doing promotions for the tour.

“The first time I came, the people were so receptive and so open to what I do and the music I do,” Yung Joc said of his reasons for visiting Gainesville.

“I felt the love and I felt like I wanted to go back.”


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